About Us

Kibrissaglıkrandevum.com has been established by Kıbrıs Randevum Bilişim Hizmetleri LTD in 2021

Our aim is to gather healthcare professionals working in private sector under one place in a digital platform.

Our goal is to provide people to gather information about private sector healthcare professionals and make appointments anytime, anywhere using their personal computers, tablets or mobile phones without any charge.

Private sector healthcare professionals working in hospital or clinics (e.g.: doctors, dentists, dieticians, psychologist, physiotherapist) and hospitals or medical centers providing diagnostic services (e.g.: laboratories, radiological monitoring) can join our platform and provide information about themselves and working hours in order for people to make appointments through our digital platform.

  • Free to use
  • Search healthcare professional with name, location, profession or health centre
  • Easy to make appointment anytime with any device
  • Easy to find out which diagnostic services are provided in which hospital/medical center and make appointment
  • • Easy to find out which healthcare professional work and make appointment